When you make the right decision to donate to this kids cancer charity, it is important to know that all of your tax-deductible support goes directly to help the many children in need who are recovering in Iran at the famed MAHAK medical facility, which specializes in cancer treatment and research for children.
The kids cancer charity provides several opportunities throughout the year for both members and their friends to donate directly. The ISCC annually creates some of the most exciting and fun events that everyone can enjoy. These include their Iranian New Year fundraiser drive and others that showcase top entertainer performances and silent auctions for cancer.
Children are encouraged to give their time and efforts to our kids’ cancer charity as well. ISCC is proud to offer a Read-a-Thon project that combines reading practice with an ability to raise money for children who are in need of cancer treatment in disadvantaged areas. After setting a reading goal and registering online, your child simply needs to keep track of the pages he or she reads and log the process online. Ideally, your child will have recruited several friends, family members, and community members to sponsor the project and donate according to the goals your child reaches while reading. If you would like to encourage your child to participate in the Read-a-Thon and want to demonstrate what raising money for a kids’ cancer charity can do, we encourage you to share a success story with your child from the ISCC website.
Another way to include your children in the donation of funds to ISCC’s kids’ cancer charity is to participate in our Piggy Bank (Ghollak) Drive. You can pick up a designated piggy bank at our Irvine office or at one of our events each year, such as the Norooz Bazaar or our annual gala. Place the piggy bank in your home and encourage your child to deposit his or her spare change or take the piggy bank to school in order to increase donations. Additionally, you can place a piggy bank in other common areas – as long as you have permission from the necessary individuals – such as your workplace or place of worship. Once the piggy bank is full, drop it back off at our office or at an event. The funds you have collected will go directly toward helping a child in need.
If you are short on time, you can always sign up for one of our child sponsorship options. This allows you to regularly provide financial support for children undergoing treatment or for cancer research. Our kids’ cancer charity sponsorship choices include $165 for a month and $2,000 for a year, along with regular promotions that offer $1 a day sponsorship.
One of the most enjoyable ways to support the International Society for Children with Cancer is to participate in our regular events. We make an effort to schedule events of all types so that all family members have a chance to engage with the community and raise money for our kids cancer charity. One of our best family friendly events includes the Norooz Bazaar that takes place each spring. This Persian New Year celebration involves fun activities for kids and great food that is authentically Middle Eastern. Other family friendly events include our family festival, which has included walks, music, food, entertainment, and volleyball tournaments in past years, and other various holiday parties, conference appearances, and much more. At ISCC, we like to be involved and immersed in our community in order to raise awareness for our cause.
Our annual gala takes place every fall and is our biggest fundraising event. It draws supporters from all over the United States and includes entertainment, artists, and a great meal. Check our website regularly for upcoming events that you or your family members can be a part of and enjoy.
Our events are not possible without our supporters and volunteers. Please come out and see us at one of our events, where you can help raise awareness for a great cause and donate to our kids cancer charity so children with cancer and their families can receive the care they need during a difficult time.
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