After witnessing the success of MAHAK in helping those in need, Mrs. Ghods with the help of Mrs. Tavakoli who was involved in fundraising, public relations and volunteer management at MAHAK for 23 years pledged to provide financial support to children suffering from cancer and their families worldwide. Thus in 2004 they co-founded ISCC in California.
ISCC’s mission is to provide financial support to children suffering from cancer and their families worldwide.
To date ISCC has helped seventeen NGOs working with cancer stricken children in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Colombia, Egypt, Honduras, Iran (OFAC License), Kenya, Lebanon, Turkey and the United States. The goal of the organization is to both expand the number of countries helped and increase monthly and annual members so that the children can count on a steady flow of financial support.
ISCC’s vision is to globally help reduce the mortality rate of impoverished children suffering from cancer, particularly in developing countries, through financial assistance.
The Mahak Facility in IRAN – An infographic by the team at The Mahak Facility in IRAN