Most Common Treatment Options for Childhood Cancer

Most Common Treatment Options for Childhood Cancer

As frightening as it can be for parents to hear their child suffers from a form of childhood cancer, they may take hope in how much easier it is becoming to treat such illnesses. Depending on the form of cancer, your own child might undergo a number of different procedures. You can prepare yourself and…
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How to Explain Your Child’s Cancer to Their Classmates

A diagnosis of cancer doesn't just affect a child's immediate family members and neighborhood friends. When they go back to school, it's something their classmates will likely have questions about. While it's entirely up to you to determine how much information you want to share with the school and your child's peers, doing so can…
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Bright-Colored Fruits and an Exotic Spice May Reduce Childhood Leukemia Risks

Accounting for approximately 30 percent of all childhood cancers, leukemia affects bone marrow and blood. While rates steadily declined from 1975 through 2013, it's still a disease that's the most common cancer in children and teens. Plus, it can be difficult to manage and eliminate once it's detected. For this reason, anything that can minimize…
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Treatment Advances for Wilms Tumor

Wilms tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, is a rare form of kidney cancer that mostly affects children. Wilms tumor is the most common type of kidney cancer in children. Though the cancer can affect both kidneys, it typically only grows in one. Advancements in diagnosis and treatment have significantly improved the outlook for children with…
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