Aryan is a very happy toddler, who smiles all day and loves attention. It is difficult to imagine this lively child was diagnosed with cancer just over a year ago.
It goes back to November 2011, in a village close to Semnan when Aryan was only 6 months old.
His parents noticed that the soft spot on his head is swollen and looks like a bruise. They took him to the nearest Clinic, were they noticed the suspicious lump and immediately referred them to a pediatric specialist in Semnan. Upon further examinations the doctors discovered presence of a mass. They were immediately advised to go to MAHAK.
The Horrifying news came as a shock to the parents and they were initially in denial. “For a few weeks we just sat there cried and cried,” said Aryan’s mom. “We couldn’t even move. The thought of losing our child was devastating. We were so scared he was going to die.”
By the time Aryan got to MAHAK hospital, the tumor had almost doubled in size. He was moved to the urgent care unit immediately.
Aryan began a treatment plan that included months of chemotherapy, surgery to remove the tumor and radiation therapy.
“When we arrived at MAHAK we felt safe and comfortable,” said his mom. “Everyone is nice, smiles at you and gives you respect. Everybody is there to help you.”
Aryan’s initial treatment has lasted over 18 months. He is responding well to treatment and will continue with monthly visits for the next few years.
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