Support Children with Cancer!
International Society for Children with Cancer (ISCC) Annual Partnership Levels
Your annual partnership dollars will help sponsor children on their way to getting healthy, one by one.
International Society for Children with Cancer (ISCC) is pleased to provide businesses and corporations an opportunity to invest in the lives of impoverished children with cancer by becoming a Corporate Partner. The funds provided by our Corporate Partners enable us to provide funding for medical devises needed for cancer treatment and/or pay for costs of treatments such as operations, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, medical diagnostics, medications and hospitalizations to name a few.
For more information please contact ISCC at or call (949) 679-9911.
International Society for Children with Cancer is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 agency (Federal ID # 73-1712284). If your company offers “matching grants”, we would appreciate the opportunity to be considered for a gift.